The 1983 Magazine
My days consist of supposed to’s
I’m supposed to
show an image
of wealth and brilliance,
family life
and success
I’m supposed to
“be more tough” and
“do the work”
I’m supposed to
not think of you
And today
I was supposed to pick up the birthday cake
For a jolly good fellow (to some degree),
which is not me
Cause all I want to do,
is go anywhere but here
Leave my supposed to’s
And chase after you
In de winkel
Bovenstaande is een tekstfragment. De gehele poëzie-serie is terug te lezen in The 1983 Magazine. Koop het online in de webshop of in een van de verkooppunten in Nijmegen, Arnhem of Utrecht.
Video’s: The 1983 Magazine in de schappen van Nijmeegse boekenzaak Dekker van de Vegt.